Breast reduction

If you find that your breasts are very large and heavy, and that they create discomfort to your shoulders, back and neck, you may be a candidate for a breast reduction.

While a breast reduction can be performed in the teenage years, it is recommended that the procedure be undertaken only when breast development is completed, and when sufficient maturity has been attained to understand all of the issues involved.

Childbirth and breast-feeding can also have a significant effect on the size and shape of your breasts. Though some women decide to have breast reduction before having children, you should discuss plans to breast-feed with your plastic surgeon, as this may not be possible after breast reduction.

In assessing you as a candidate for breast reduction, your doctor will carefully check the size and shape of your breasts, the quality of your skin, and the placement of the nipples and areolas. If you are overweight, your plastic surgeon may suggest that you lose weight before having surgery. There are variations to the incisions used for breast reduction. The traditional method of lifting the breast uses 3 incisions: one around the areola, the second vertically from the bottom edge of the areola to the crease under the breast, and the third along the curve of the breast crease. Your surgeon will inform you which incisions are best for you.

After excess skin and breast is removed, the nipple and areola are moved to a higher position. Skin that was located above the nipple pre-surgery is pulled down. Together these two maneuvers give a new shape to the breast.


Question:How much discomfort and how long will I be in pain?

Answer: The surgery takes about 3 hours typically. Most patients have mild discomfort and many don’t even require pain medication. Patients are up and about the next day and have a rapid recovery with the exception of strenuous activity or exercise or lifting over 10 lbs which is avoided for 2 weeks following surgery to minimize any risk of bleeding.

Question: When can I shower and resume activities, how long off of work and when can I resume exercise?

Answer:You can shower the next day after surgery. Exercise can be resumed 2 weeks after surgery. Most patients are off work for a day or so, maybe several days at the most depending on their job requirements.

Question: Do any sutures have to be removed?

Answer: No. The sutures all dissolve.

Question:Do I need liposuction of the armpit area as well?

Answer: Many patients benefit from liposuction or liposculpting of the “axilla” or arm pit and lateral breast area. This ensures a comfortable fitting in new brassieres and bras after surgery. It does not add much time to the procedure.

Breast Procedures
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