6 pack creation

Many men strive for those ever-desirable six-packs and eight pack abs these days. Yet, tireless stomach crunches and sit-ups often don’t get the job done, no matter how disciplined you are about your regimen. The truth is, it can be very difficult to eliminate the layer of fat around the midsection, particularly if you are not genetically blessed in the abdominal region to begin with. However, there is a secret weapon many men have turned to for defined abs and that legendary six pack look.

Abdominal etching, or Ab-etching, is a plastic surgery procedure to reshape and contour the abdominal fat pad to provide patients with a flatter stomach. The procedure selectively removes a small amount of fat around the patient’s natural muscular contours and shapes or sculpts the abdomen to create a more athletic contour. It is a new procedure that uses a special cannula to contour and shape abdominal fat pad to provide patients with a flatter stomach and to provide the look of a 6- or 8-pack abdomen.

Are you A Good Candidate for Ab-Etching?

The procedure is suitable for patients who are already in shape and who have between one to two centimeters of “pinchable belly fat”. It is not suitable for patients with larger accumulations of abdominal fat seeking to significantly reduce their belly size or accomplish weight reductions as the amount of fat removed is fairly small. A traditional liposuction is more suitable for those patients.

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