Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation cosmetic surgery is one of the most common procedures performed every year by physician members of the Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

Women choose to undergo breast augmentation surgery for various reasons. These personal reasons may center around breasts that are perceived to be under developed, differences in the size of the breasts, or changes after pregnancy or breast feeding. Some women simply want fuller breasts.

Often after weight loss, aging or childbirth, a woman’s breast volume and shape change, leading them to seek a breast enlargement. Breast implant surgery performed by cosmetic plastic surgeons is the most popular way to improve breast shape and size.

Breast enhancement using breast implants can give a woman a more proportional shape and may improve self esteem.


Question: Where will the scar be placed?

Answer:Typically a small inframammary incision used, hidden under the breast just over an inch or two in length. This incision heals better and has the highest success of well placed implants, less hardening (capsular contraction), and less nipple sensitivity problems.

Question:How long is the pain and how soon to recovery?

Answer:85-90% of my patients are pain free in three days. All patients go home the same day and can even go out to dinner the evening after surgery if they desire. The patients are seen the next day in the office, the ACE bandage is removed and the patient is fitted into a comfortable zip in front sports bra. They can shower the day after surgery. All patients are given a prescription for antibiotics, pain medicine, and a muscle relaxer. Most patients take a mild muscle relaxer for several days and many elect not to take their pain medicine because they don’t need it. Patients are doing most activities of daily living very quickly with the exception of lifting over 10 pounds, or exercise in the first two weeks.

Question:When can I go swimming?

Answer: Patients can take a bath, resume swimming, or get in a hot tub, lake, or ocean (if going on a vacation) 4 weeks after the surgery. Research shows that submerging the breast in water before then can increase the risk of implant infection.

Question:How do I decide between silicone gel implants and saline filled breast implants?

Answer: Both are FDA approved devices and patients do well with India silicone implants are used. Silicone gel implants feel the most breast-like, they probably last or hold up the longest, and they have less visible wrinkling or rippling as can be seen sometimes in patients that have very thin tissues. Either implant is placed below the muscle. There is a very informative website: that has further good scientific information about both types of implants.

Question:Will I have any changes to nipple sensitivity?

Answer: Most patients will experience some transient increase or decrease in nipple sensitivity due to the “expansion” of the breast which resolves over several months. Most commonly patients notice their nipples are more sensitive.

Question:Can I breast feed after the procedure if I choose to get pregnant?

Answer: Yes. I have never had a patient that could not breast feed after pregnancy.

Breast Procedures
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